Monday, December 09, 2013

Calendar in the making

So what's next after the holiday cards? :)
I did a very simple calendar for 2013 end of last year, but you know, I've always wanted to do a proper desktop style calendar.  I spent some time searching for a good pricing for this kind of style earlier this year so I can be prepared when the time comes, unfortunately a lot of them requires a big order and it was just out of my budget.  So I forgot about it and until recently some people started to ask me if I'm making one again this year.
So I decided to go for it (why am I always doing things last minute?)
Some of you might know I have a photography site, throughout the years I've been doing it as a hobby.  When I'm not doing conventions during weekends I usually go out and take photos of my toys.  I picked out some of my favorite shots along with ones that got great feedbacks on instagram, it's gonna look refreshing and I can't wait to show you the finish product end of this month!