Looks like everyone nowadays owns a ipod, and I am probably the last person on earth who doesn't have one.
Well, let's see...I don't listen to music, and I already have a external hard drive and a small usb jump drive.
but it seems like an ipod has become a necessary accessory for pretty much, everyone.
i blame the commercial.
let's be honest here, those ipod commercials are pretty powerful.
who wants to join the I-don't-have-an-ipod club?
i know i do.
wonderfu art. I love your use of vectorial art!
I thought you WERE'NT going to make this into an iPod ad. lol. You're on their side now, talk about not conforming, missy.
hey Chingyi!
thanks for stoppin by my blog. I love the work you have here. great illustrations.
im assuming your using flash??.. if so COOLL!!.. another flash lover.
check back soon.
Very cool piece!
Ciao! thanks for your comment in my blog.
Your blog is very nice and the animals illustrations are much beautiful.
Ditto. I don't own an ipod either. Wish I did ... my gawd. everytime I sit there playing something on itunes, I just wish it was on a pod.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Absolutely love the work you have here. Great stuff.
I'll join your club! I'm just as hip with the times as you... haha! Great blog girl! Keep on rockin those sketches!
gasp... you dont listen to music?
I think you secretly want an Ipod... :)
Great image!
nice work, love the steez
Great super i-pod piece. Very clean design. Yeah, the i-pod marketing group is phenominal. They definitely chose the right demographics to sell to. I hear my co-workers complain last x-mas when thier kids wanted an i-pod just because "everyone else had one". Crazy.
That's one sharp illustration. I dig that style!
SUPER!!! ur Vector art is SO COOL!!! r u in the industry??? Should go Draw sometimes.!
a nice lil style you got goin on
I dont have an ipod either, so im in your club. :D how much to join?
Nice pic, also your work below is coool
I don't have one,
I do not need one.
At home the c.d. player,
in the car radio,
at work iTunes. I don't have time to any iPod.
At the shower? I sing there.
Hi, I like your style. do you use Illustrator or some other vector program? I love love love Illustrator ever since I had to learn it to use for my job.
BTW thanks for the comment on my blog "Age of Domesticity". If you have time I have a personal art blog too. Link is on my blog.
Nice style you have!
I own an IPod Shuffle myself. It's been about 2 months since I've used it. But it is handy to carry around if I wish to listen to anything.
I don't have any favorite music myself.
Keep up the great work.
Hey Chingy,
Thanks for the kind words!
You've got some very cool designs over here, love your sense of color! Keep up the good work ;)
I dont own an ipod... and my mp3 player just broke last week ;(
So now I'm back to using my old cd player which is still cool.. i think.
WHAT!!!! you dont listen to music!???
Keep up the good work. Ciao.
we're gonna drive by south coast so you can see that ad that you missed. =P
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