The portfolio show was a success, all of our friends (unfortunately no family because they were busy) showed up, it was great.
Randy and I mangaed to finish the sketchfolio, which everyone loved at the show.
This little sketchfolio featured my skeches on one side, and randy's wonderful sketches on the opposite side.

here's a picture of our booth:

congratulations on graduating, and on the success of your show! the big bad world awaits eh? best of luck with everything :D
Nice booth, wish I could check out the sketchbooks and work on the computers hehe
Yay on graduating! I do need more love, and yes he looks like santa clause. =(
btw, i thought sketchfolio was a freakin awesome idea.
That graphic will look great on a business card!
Ah graduation...what a wonderous time... :) Congrats! Now put that diploma to use! ;)
Thanks fer the kind words by the way. I'll try to stop back from time to time to see whatchyer cookin' up.
CONGRATULATIONS CHINGYI!!!!! that's super awesome :) glad you liked the painting. I'll definitely keep you posted on the show. Hopefully you'll be able to make it!!! :D
Hey! Thanks for the compliments on my Betty Boop drawings. I'm loving your blog icon!!! It's so cute! I see you have a great style goin'. Congrats on making it through school!
i like very much this black an white stylization
i've been driven to your blog by your little profile-image, it is soo cute! and it seems to be the cover of your portfolio too! congratulations for your graduation and all the best for your future.
congrats on graduating. Good luck in the "real world"!!!:)
i love your logo design
The logo is cute - hope the show was a success for you!
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